Landing Page Customization
To customize the product landing page, open the Product -> Landing Page Customization
. Follow the wizard to create the landing page for your product. The landing page support rich description of images and videos, screenshot gallery, link to demo page and secured payment.
Product description
On the first page, you add the main title and description for the product.
The product details field is a rich editor supporting text formatting, inserting images and videos. Click Next
to save and open next wizard page. Let’s explain every landing page wizard page.
Header and Logo images
On this page you can upload header and logo images for the landing page. Just click on the area that represents the header and logo images to upload. Also, you can drag-and-drop images into both areas.
Suggested size for header image is 1110px x 360px or larger image with a similar ratio.
Suggested size for logo is 96px x 96px or larger with same ration 1:1;
To upload a screenshot image, just drag and drop image on the upload area or just a click on it to upload image. Uploaded images will create the screenshots gallery on the landing page.
Here you can add updates for each new version, to keep user updated about fresh additions and bug fixes for your product. The editor is also rich, and you can add images and videos if you need to.
Live Preview
If you have a product demo page, save a link here and button with a demo link will be visible on a product landing page.
Landing page permalink
To view your landing page, there is a Preview page
link in the top right corner of the wizard. Also on the dashboard
page there is a permalink for product landing page.