License Bridge Blog
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How to start a WordPress business in ten minutes?
In this article, I will explain all you need to create a sustainable business based on Creating WordPress Plugin and/or themes. Before we start, I want you to know that you don’t need any WordPress or Web programming skills. If you are a web developer, you can save some money down the road because you don’t need to hire people to build a product for you. WordPress is a platform that lot of people are using for a business purposes. It can be a company …
August 2 2022
How to price your WordPress plugin or theme and maximize sales using anchoring price technique
If you can create WordPress plugin that gives additional value to the users, you can monetize that value into passive income stream. There are several pricing models and which one you pick can determine the future of your business and income stream. WordPress ecosystem is rich, and there are a plenty of possibilities to build a business from a single plugin. E-commerce and Crypto are areas that exploded in recent years, and there will be always an opportunity. All you have to do it to …
August 1 2021
5 Productivity hacks that make side hustle possible
Do you work a full-time job for a paycheck while dreaming about your passion project? If you do, I know that sometimes it feels like you are in the rat race. Spinning the wheel all day long, but you look behind, you are not moving much. Having a family to support, mortgage, or student loan on your back gives you less flexibility and fewer options. If you quit your job and do what your heart wants, to work on your passion project all day long, …
August 5 2020
How a super nerdy developer plans to build his own product … while trying to avoid a fiasco!
Hi, It’s Ivan. This blog is a place for me to share my experience of launching products/services, right from the first day itself! Let’s start with the first one that I have right now. My product is a web application called License Bridge. What it does is that it helps WordPress developers to sell plugins as a service. In the coming articles, I will explain more about the inner workings of the web app itself. This story will be about my plan on launching License …
April 1 2019
Latest Posts
How to start a WordPress business in ten minutes?
August 2 20225 Productivity hacks that make side hustle possible
August 5 2020